How to be genuinely happy

Following article provide information regarding ‘How to be genuinely happy‘.
True happiness comes from within.

Life isn’t the most delicious candy. When I am feeling that life is overloaded, I glance at the world and see people who have lived amazing and fascinating lives. Then, thoughts pop into my head like bubbles that appear out of thin air – “How did their lives turn out to be so sweet and beautiful? Why do they be able to have fun and laugh around in spite of a hectic lifestyle?” Then I pause and watched for a few minutes… Then I worked out that they might begin to work in a’self’ space’. Working over self space is very important for genuinely happiness.
How can one be truly happy?
Step one is to be happy with yourself.
A theology instructor once stated “love means acceptance, loving means accepting.” To love yourself is to acknowledge that you’re not perfect however, behind the imperfections ,should be a lot of strength to find ways improve your abilities to overcome our shortcomings.
Ways for happiness
If you’re satisfied with your job and the way you appear and interact with your family and acquaintances, the home you live in, the car you drive and everything else you have now – truly you have the best answer for the query “how to be genuinely happy.”

When we find a small beginning in our own lives, this little beginning will eventually be followed by another thing, and then to another. However, if you are constantly questioning the meaning of life, it hasn’t brought you anything good as you’ll never find real happiness.
I believe in discovering the how to be right and wrong, trying and failing, winning and losing. These are the things that occur as frequently as you breathe and exhale. Failure in someone’s life, has become as common and essential as air. However, this shouldn’t stop us from being happy.
How can you be truly satisfied despite all these? I will tell to you… each moment you put in effort to enhance the quality of your life and your existence whether that’s cleaning your home or helping a person or taking care of your dog’s illness, failing at board exams and then try to do it again, life will give you the same points.

Imagine yourself as a giant scoreboard similar to those that are used in NFLs. Each time when you step forward, you are scoring points. Wouldn’t it be great to glance at that board at the conclusion of every game and say about yourself “Whew! I scored a point today. I’m happy that I took an attempt.”
Instead of just staring empty and muttering “Geez I don’t get a point today. I wish I had the courage to test it. We could have been winners!” and then walk off.
The real happiness isn’t in having the latest Formula 1 car, nor winning an employee of the year prize and the highest monthly pay or even beating sales targets. Sometimes the most sought-after awards in life don’t necessarily be awarded to the most powerful, fastest and bravest or necessarily the greatest.
So, how can you achieve a genuine happiness? Every person has his own definition of happiness.
Definition of happiness?
Writing happiness for writers could be launching as many best selling books as they can. A basketball player’s happiness might mean receiving the prize for the most promising rookie. A beggar’s happiness could result in a large sum of money. A businessperson’s happiness could be a sign of the achievement.
In the end how can we be truly happy?
Simple. It doesn’t require all the top things in this world. It’s about making the most of every one of them. When you’re smiling at yourself for your mistake and telling yourself “Oh, I’ll do better next time”
Then you have a fire of strong willpower to keep going that could grow like brush fire. You’re willing to get up and attempt to do better – this makes you a satisfied person.
Once you accept yourself and accept your own mistakes. You have completed step one of the process of learning “how to be truly happy”. For the duration that you are able to accept other people as well, you’ll be accepted.
As long as you love and are able to be loved, you will receive the love of your life ten times over.
I’m asking you the similar question “how to become genuinely happy?”. I’ll recommend one of my friends who firmly stated “Most of us are aware it’s the ideal cure for life’s pains and suffering. However, most people aren’t aware that the best type of laughter is one that’s over oneself. Since then, you don’t feel content… you’re liberated.”

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